Look mum, no hands!

We are constantly trying to control every single aspect of our lives: making perfect plans, arriving in time for meetings, creaming those wrinkles flat, sweating those returning kilos away…

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Kensho Life
It's a wrap!

One year. Nine countries. And more people, places and interactions that we could have ever imagined. So what have you learnt about the world? This is a question we are hearing a lot lately…

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Ideas to travel slow.

When we go on holidays most of us tend to cram as many places, sights and activities as possible, so that when we get back we have a sense of having made the most of those days…

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Kensho Life
Practice: welcoming fear.

Fear is not going to go away just because we want to, in fact, trying to push it away might be counterproductive. Fear can be very useful as it sometimes serves as a wake up call to get us into action…

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Kensho Life
New year’s intentions.

The start of a new year is always a moment for reflection and setting new intentions. We think about the things we enjoy, our dreams, our habits… and we tend to go for some hardcore, nearly impossible goals usually starting with a diet...

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We all want to live a happier and more fulfilling life, to become more resilient, remain calmer and in control in the face of adversity, to learn to be compassionate and to massage and stretch our hardened brains...

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