A little about us.
“How you live today is how you live your life”
– Tara Brach.
It’s possible to live a happier life. We know this not only because science says so, but also through personal experience: for many years we lived with high levels of stress, dissatisfaction and anxiety that led us to look for alternatives. Little by little and with the help of many teachers, retreats, changes, courses and books, we discovered the techniques, strategies and knowledge that allowed us to clarify what was really important for us, and how to make the necessary changes to live according to it.
Kensho Life is our opportunity to share all that experience and knowledge, helping those who want to be happier to make the necessary changes and support them along the way.
What does Kensho mean?
Talking about ways to make things better is great, and we should all be doing more of it, but how many of us follow up that talk with action? Like real, “Oh wow,I can’t believe they just did that” action? Veronica and Enrique don’t just put their ideas into practice, they want to bring us along for the ride too.
—Rick Grant. Producer. London.Kenshō is a Japanese term where Ken- means ‘seeing’ or ‘vision’, and -shō means ‘nature’ or ‘essence’, and it translates as seeing your true nature. It refers to the moment of realisation, of awakening that happens when you become aware of your own self, the equivalent of the famous Greek aphorism: know thyself. It is from this place that you can live with true freedom and enjoyment. Mindfulness meditation combined with other practices and techniques, allow you to investigate and experience your own Kensho.
The team.
“What if we sell our house, quit our jobs and go travelling the world?” And that’s how Kensho Life started.
I have an insatiable curiosity, a fascination with life and this planet, and a great passion for people: what motivates them on a daily basis, the challenges and doubts they experience and, above all, what makes them happy and fulfilled. After many years searching, and fighting, I now have the immense luck of being able to dedicate my life to something I fully believe in, where I can put at the service of others my previous experience in a range of industries, some with very dynamic and highly competitive environments that were rife with stress and anxiety.
Enrique has a talent for both applying logic and structure to a situation, while extracting stress and ego in order to help you to perceive your goals with absolute clarity.
- Daniel Prothero. Motion Designer. London.Prior to Kensho Life I spent a year travelling around the world volunteering, and before that I worked in London as head of production and post-production of commercial videos, as online brand strategy consultant for multinationals and global brands, and as a mentor for freelancers and small creative companies in the media industry. I also founded and led several non-profit projects on the side, one in South London (Southwark) training transferable skills in film and video making for young people from deprived or socially excluded backgrounds and people with disabilities, and a monthly event of short film screenings and talks for film professionals and amateurs that run for 7 years in various central London venues.
I have an extensive meditation practice, attending courses and retreats in Mindfulness, as well as Vipassana, Zen and Kadampa traditions with teachers and masters in Spain, UK, Bolivia, Canada and Japan. I’m also certified in Yale University Science of Well-being and UC Berkeley’s Science of Happiness programs, and hold certificates as Life Coach and Mindfulness Master Practitioner. Completed The Power of Awareness course(Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield).
My life is a continuous search for knowledge, learning and experiences to better understand the world, myself, humans in all their diversity and appreciate the richness that this planet offers us. After many years of searching and confusion, I have been fortunate to discover mindfulness, investigate it and make it a life project. Kensho Life gives me not only the opportunity to continue learning but also to be able to combine and share my knowledge and experience with others with the intention of helping their lives to be happier and at peace.
Veronica’s deeply caring, sensitive and compassionate character created a trusting and welcoming space. Her creative fun loving yet pragmatic and realistic approach enabled our son to appreciate and use his strengths, supported us parents to tackle the adversities of parenthood and helped us all to a more harmonious family life.
- Viktoria Steinhoff. Advanced Nurse Practioner. London.Prior to Kensho Life, I volunteered for a year in different projects around the world, and before that I worked in London as an Art History Teacher, Special Needs Teacher, Autism Consultant and Outreach Teacher for the boroughs of Southwark & Lambeth, Freelance Inclusion Consultant and Graphic Designer. I also volunteered in activities to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community.
I’m certified by the Yale University Science of Well-being program, Certified by UC Berkeley’s Science of Happiness program. I’m a certified Mindfulness Master Practitioner and I hold Foundation Certificates in Art Therapy and Creativity and Imagination.
I have an extensive meditation practice, attending courses and retreats in Mindfulness, as well as the Vipassana, Zen and Kadampa traditions with teachers and masters in Spain, UK, Bolivia, Canada and Japan. Completed The Power of Awareness course (Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield).
I have over a decade of experience in consultancy and support for families with members with disabilities and life-long illnesses and I am trained in specific interventions to support people with special needs (TEACCH, SCERTS, Talking Mats, Makaton Signing, Inclusive Storytelling).
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