Celebrate friendship.


“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
– Elbert Hubbard.



To commemorate the International Day of Friendship we want to encourage you to pop out of your hermit’s cave and enjoy some jolly good times with your friends. If for whatever reason you find yourself short of friends, here’s how to make new friends.

Our bodies and brains have evolved in such a way that we’ll bond with a toaster if necessary (seriously, don’t you remember Wilson in Cast Away?) as social cooperation is one of the keys to our species’ success: we cooperate at a larger scale than any other mammal and with a complexity unparalleled in the natural world. But even if evolution is not your thing, studies show that it’s so important to have a healthy network of friends that those who don’t, have a greater chance of dying, and we are talking alcoholism, obesity and smoking levels!


Although friendships vary in degree of intimacy and closeness, friends provide physical, moral, social, and emotional support, not to talk about sharing the good times! This is especially true as we grow older, since we need more help and the feelings of loneliness and isolation can increase.

  • People who meet their friends regularly show greater levels of happiness and better quality of life.

  • Friendships help you live longer, in fact they are a good predictor of your lifespan according to William J. Chopik.

  • A good friend is there when you need it.

  • A good friend won’t hold back the truth. Sometimes we need a reality check…

  • A good friend will give you encouragement to pursue your dream and stop coming up with lame excuses.


Friendships need nurturing so we encourage you to be a good friend this week. Here are some ideas:

  • Call a friend who is going through a tough time. Give time, space and support.

  • Meet or contact a good friend that you haven’t been in touch with for a very long time.

  • Have a proper friendship celebration, this can go from a candlelit dinner to a full on party… up to you!



Hand write a friendship appreciation letter to a best friend.

Happy Friendship Day friends!!

Vero and Enrique
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